How translate circulator into french/comment traduire et définir circulator en français
(trop ancien pour répondre)
2011-01-28 07:50:43 UTC

fu2 fr.misc.transport.urbain
I discover this concept, what means it and how translate into french.
Can you said also what is a grant ?
J'ai découvert ce concept il y a quelques jours, je demande aussi la
traduction de grant. Merci d'avance.

Cheers/A +
Gerard Massip

Premier message sur 50/First post of 50
In http://groups.google.com/group/transport-innovators/browse_thread/thread/ab7561fadc902933/c7fc4de05714c110?hl=fr&q=circulators&lnk=ol&
Jerry Schneider wrote :

clip ------------------------

This year the Department of Transportation awarded its first round of
Urban Circulator Grants, dedicated to helping cities improve their
internal transit (including streetcars), bike, and pedestrian
networks. These grants emerged out of a new partnership between DOT,
the department of Housing and Urban Development, and the
Environmental Protection Agency. This partnership has led to a major
shift away from typical transportation grants, which consider the
worthiness of a transportation project based largely on its
cost-effectiveness, based on travelers' time savings, and towards a
method of evaluation that takes into account broader neighborhood

"A few years ago it was very difficult if not impossible to get
federal New Starts money for streetcars," said Seal. "Secretary of
Transportation Ray LaHood tweaked the scoring system for rail
projects and put less weight on speed and more weight on things like
quality of life and economic development."

Sixty-five cities applied for the first round of Urban Circulator
Grant funding, which was awarded this summer. $130 million of the
total $293 million was dedicated to streetcar projects and
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and Charlotte, N.C., each snapped up
$25 million grants for new lines
2011-01-28 09:26:55 UTC
Il me semble que grant (en rosbif) se traduit par subventions (en fromages
qui puent).

"***@yahoo.fr" <***@gmail.com> a �crit dans le message de news:cd8f9dc1-f464-4593-bd82-***@a28g2000vbo.googlegroups.com...

fu2 fr.misc.transport.urbain
I discover this concept, what means it and how translate into french.
Can you said also what is a grant ?
J'ai découvert ce concept il y a quelques jours, je demande aussi la
traduction de grant. Merci d'avance.

Cheers/A +
Gerard Massip

Premier message sur 50/First post of 50
Jerry Schneider wrote :

clip ------------------------

This year the Department of Transportation awarded its first round of
Urban Circulator Grants, dedicated to helping cities improve their
internal transit (including streetcars), bike, and pedestrian
networks. These grants emerged out of a new partnership between DOT,
the department of Housing and Urban Development, and the
Environmental Protection Agency. This partnership has led to a major
shift away from typical transportation grants, which consider the
worthiness of a transportation project based largely on its
cost-effectiveness, based on travelers' time savings, and towards a
method of evaluation that takes into account broader neighborhood

"A few years ago it was very difficult if not impossible to get
federal New Starts money for streetcars," said Seal. "Secretary of
Transportation Ray LaHood tweaked the scoring system for rail
projects and put less weight on speed and more weight on things like
quality of life and economic development."

Sixty-five cities applied for the first round of Urban Circulator
Grant funding, which was awarded this summer. $130 million of the
total $293 million was dedicated to streetcar projects and
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and Charlotte, N.C., each snapped up
$25 million grants for new lines
Ross Kavanagh
2011-01-28 09:33:21 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.fr
fu2 fr.misc.transport.urbain
I discover this concept, what means it and how translate into french.
Can you said also what is a grant ?
J'ai découvert ce concept il y a quelques jours, je demande aussi la
traduction de grant. Merci d'avance.
In this context, grant = "subvention". The purpose of an Urban
Circulator Grant is to "améliorer la circulation d'une ville".

Ici, "grant" corréspond à une subvention. Le but d'un "Urban Circulator
Grant" est d'améliorer la circulation d'une ville.
Colin Youngs
2011-01-28 14:41:30 UTC
"***@yahoo.fr" <***@gmail.com> schreef
Can you said also what is a grant ?

grant = subvention

Colin Youngs
2011-01-28 16:55:55 UTC
En ce contexte les mots « concession » ou « subvention» exprime mieux
le concept «grant».


Charles Ellson
2011-01-28 19:35:18 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.fr
fu2 fr.misc.transport.urbain
I discover this concept, what means it and how translate into french.
First it has to translated from 'Merkan into English.

"Transportation" (English) - forced repatriation of a criminal to
another land/country as punishment.

"Transportation" (American) - transport
Post by ***@yahoo.fr
Can you said also what is a grant ?
J'ai découvert ce concept il y a quelques jours, je demande aussi la
traduction de grant. Merci d'avance.
Cheers/A +
Gerard Massip
Premier message sur 50/First post of 50
In http://groups.google.com/group/transport-innovators/browse_thread/thread/ab7561fadc902933/c7fc4de05714c110?hl=fr&q=circulators&lnk=ol&
clip ------------------------
This year the Department of Transportation awarded its first round of
Urban Circulator Grants, dedicated to helping cities improve their
internal transit (including streetcars), bike, and pedestrian
networks. These grants emerged out of a new partnership between DOT,
the department of Housing and Urban Development, and the
Environmental Protection Agency. This partnership has led to a major
shift away from typical transportation grants, which consider the
worthiness of a transportation project based largely on its
cost-effectiveness, based on travelers' time savings, and towards a
method of evaluation that takes into account broader neighborhood
"A few years ago it was very difficult if not impossible to get
federal New Starts money for streetcars," said Seal. "Secretary of
Transportation Ray LaHood tweaked the scoring system for rail
projects and put less weight on speed and more weight on things like
quality of life and economic development."
Sixty-five cities applied for the first round of Urban Circulator
Grant funding, which was awarded this summer. $130 million of the
total $293 million was dedicated to streetcar projects and
Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and Charlotte, N.C., each snapped up
$25 million grants for new lines
2011-02-06 11:36:06 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.fr
fu2 fr.misc.transport.urbain
I discover this concept, what means it and how translate into french. Can
you said also what is a grant ?
J'ai découvert ce concept il y a quelques jours, je demande aussi la
traduction de grant. Merci d'avance.
Cheers/A +
Gerard Massip
D'après le sens de l'appel à propositionk, je dirais qu'un circulator est un
moyen de transport, urbain dans le cas cité. La discussion évoque d'aillerus
le traway...

Un grant, c'est un crédit de type crédit de recherche, généralement attribué
à un projet ayant fait le plus souvent l'objet présenté en réponse à un
appel à proposition de recherche. En anglais on répond à un "call for offer"
(apple d'offres) par un "research porposal" pour obtenir un "research
grant". je ne sais si c'est la même origine, mais granted en anglis signifié

Content de relire fmtr. je ne ssais si il y a encore beaucoup "d'anciens"
sur ce NG (j'ai vu un messsage d'Erwan que je salue!)

A +

Yves D.
2011-02-11 11:23:46 UTC

Merci à tous les contributeurs
Thanks to all contributors

A +/Cheers

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